My LETTER for anyone seeking employment

Alejandro Delobelle Posts / employment search

Regret, but only for a while. Then, prepare a plan. Think intelligently. Become aware of your emotionality during the process. Learn. Flow. Keep going. Improve. Retry. And, at any time, you will be walking and running again.

Hello my friend, anywhere you are.

Are you out of work? Do not despair. Maybe everything is for something.

Maybe it’s a good time to create your own brand. Or to prove something. Now is when you have to learn, review and apply principles of sale, though you have not done it before. Whether to implement your own business or to provide your services to someone else. The best leaders are big sellers, and you need to unleash your leader within. The companies are there, also asking themselves “where are the talents we need to execute our strategy”. So it’s a matter of convergence between possibility and opportunity, nothing more. So I do want you move. Let others cry, not you. Do not expect to have ‘plenty confidence in yourself ‘ to begin with, since confidence will come as you begin to do this.

If talent equals Knowledge + Experience + Skill in action, your Talent is intact. What you know, your know how and job and live experience, no one takes away. If left off ‘outside of a company’ for some reason, and it makes you feel lost, anxious, depressed or angry, think that these reactions are understandable, expectable. But there are two things to keep in mind:

> The world (companies) do not have anything specifically “against you” (they are too busy in their own survival or growth) and …
> You’ve probably surpassed worse things, so this is just another test.
Now you have to redefine how, what you do, makes life easier, solves problems or creates more money to others. That makes you attractive to the market.

And there you have to take everything you have. Creativity, organization, connections and courage, anything goes. But these four more.

So let’s begin: Think. Think. Think of a plan to boot. For example, start with:

  1. Simplifies and improves the design content. Just that. What really matters is what you did – and how this improved performance, quality, relationships or the reputation of the company you worked for -. Improve look and feel, no spelling errors. Matter the years, not months.

Profile LinkedIn. Please complete it. Connections matter. Start ‘follow’ companies in which you would wanted to work.
LinkedIn Groups. Sure you become to those related to your industry. You have to prove that you’re aware of the changes and market concerns.
Blog: start writing about what you know, to read the industry in which you want to move. The blogs are automatically connected with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Once you write it, it multiplies in many places.
Interviews: I want you to at least 5; to get that, you have to send 50 cvs, at least. And I want you to get rejected 25 times. But not 25 times in a row. If this happens, change the strategy. As always, before you introduce yourself, find out as much as you can about the company that needs to cover the position. Once there, your presence – and I do not mean just the clothes – but to be ‘present’, make a difference in your favor. And not prove despair: is the last thing the interviewer wants to see: they dislike unpredictable people. On the other hand shows attitude (Attitude may not have expiration date, however the knowledge has). Finally, interview your interviewer intelligently: they also judge you by the quality of your questions.

Obviously, I want you to learn from each of the interviews in which NO were selected – and improve your performance for next one. Remember what he says that “during a storm is when you see how strong your anchors are”.

This is your personal leadership in action. You thought you had lost? I really do think so. Quite the contrary. But you’ll have to learn to sell, not what you are, but what you can do and how that serves others. Leave your essence untouchable, is not negotiable. In fact, never negotiate with yourself for less than you think you are worth, because that will generate internal inconsistency, difficult to bear.

So chin up, look into the eyes of anyone, get fit, stop smoking (if you do) and feel the adrenaline, and you will be soon in the race again.

Keep me posted on your progress. And still,  do not just sit waiting for the ‘thing’ change. You’re your change, one step at the time.

A big hug, Alejandro

Ps. Would be great to hear your comments, thank you! Write some words below..

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